Thursday, March 3, 2011

Bare With Me Ladies

Well I did it! I am finally online! Please bare with me as I learn how to "blog". I am still trying to figure out how this all works. I am very media challenged!! My goal is help all of you out there become succesful at saving your family, and hard working hubbies money. I hope to share all the great deals I come across and now I finally have a place to post all my crazy coupon pictures ... hehehe I hope you find this blog helpful. I am not sure at this point exactly how everything on here will look but I am excited to see where it goes. As most of you know I have a passion for saving money, living frugal, and blessings others through it. This has all really taken on a life of it's own recently. I'm really excited to see what God has in store through it all. You know it's funny,  for all you who know me personally you know I type like I talk ... one HUGE run on sentence!! The irony that I would start a blog or speak in public proves God's sense of humor friends. My two biggest fears atre oublic speaking and  public writing ... I don't do either very well .... but none the less here I am. Please feel free to contact me with any questions at the email address provided in my profile. Until the next time ladies .... PRAY for me that I figure this whole thing out quickly. If any of you reading this know to lay out a nice looking blog, HELP!! I am a visual learner and I would love for you to show me.


Heather said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Shannon! Blessings!

thecouponlady said...

Thanks Heather!I hope it helps everyone! Follow me =)

Melissa Jones said...

Love you and proud of you!!!!! Wish you were a little closer...I may have to make a trip just so I can attend a "102" class!!!

thecouponlady said...

Melissa ... I wish I was too! Maybe I need to just come out there and teach you and all your friends =) Or you come out here girl! You always have a place to stay!

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