Sunday, May 22, 2011

New Look: Blog is Under Construction

Hello Everyone!

Don't we look different? Isn't it great!! 

The blog is going to be under construction for the next couple weeks so please bare with us. We plan to keep the blog functioning and running while it's under construction so please continue to use it and look around while your here.

As most of you know I'm not "tech" Savvy at all so I am praising and thanking God today for the friend he sent me that's helping me! She is incredible and all these awesome changes are due to her !!

You can follow us on facebook at Savvy Savings or follow us on Twitter at @savvy_savings
You can also email us at

We need your help with our blog construction

Can you please use the comment box below to share with us what you would like to see on this blog and how you use this blog. This blog is for you, our followers, so your input is VERY important in this process. Any feedback you have would help us out TONS!!

Thank you again for your patience and support!



Moms Couponing Madness said...

my blog is under construction also!!
~ Moms Couponing Madness

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