Tuesday, May 31, 2011

10 Tips to Being a Savvy Shopper

  • Shop with cash. It is more difficult to part with cash than it is to swipe a credit or debit card. With cash you are less likely to buy what you DON’T need. It’s a psychological trick of the mind- that works!

  • Purchase clothing and accessories (e.g. belts, hats, scarves, purses, even shoes) in the off-season or wait for end-of-season sales. I have gotten myself some excellent bargains this way. I swear by its effectiveness (your pocketbook will too!).

  • Organize your grocery list by departments (e.g. bakery, deli, produce, frozen foods). It will help you from having to go back and forth from one end of the store to the other. Believe me it saves a lot of time and energy!

  • Stock up on in-season vegetables and freeze them for use when prices are threw the roof. This way you will have plenty of tasty vegetables for meals and will have saved yourself some bucks in the process.

  • Take your own bags to the grocery store when you shop (if you live in an area where this is possible). Many stores will give you a discount or donate the money to charity if you do so. Call ahead and find out if the stores in your area offer such a deal.

  • Shop for birthday party loot bag items and hostess/shower gifts well in advance. This will enable you to save money and you will never be caught empty-handed when an occasion arrives. The new “dollar” stores that have been cropping up the past few years are a terrific place to buy greeting cards, wrapping paper, party hats, tissue paper and the like at very affordable prices.

  • Here’s a tough one to do sometimes, but advisable- leave the kids at home when you go shopping. Hire a babysitter or better yet, do your shopping when the kids are in school. Kids cause impulse shopping very often. And impulse shopping can run you into big spending. Try to avoid it at all costs.

  • Instead of paying for pricey manicures, pedicures and spa treatments buy beauty products at a pharmacy and have your own “spa” day right in your own home. Another idea is to invite some friends over and make it a special spa night for the girls! Pamper yourself! You’re worth it after all!

  • When purchasing eyeglasses, ask for the price of the lenses and frames separately. Then shop around for the best price on both. There is no diehard rule that says you have to buy them both at the same place. You don’t. And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

  • Buy display models of household appliances and furniture (if that is an option). The added bonus to buying display furniture is that there is no assembly required. What a treat for those of us who are not good at following manufacturer’s instructions!

  • I came across this on GoogoBits.com Most of this is what I already do so I thought I would share it with you. This gives you a few ideas outside of grocery shopping to save money. Do you have a "Savvy" way you save money? If so, leave it in the comment box. 

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