Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Let Your Home Be A Canvas Where Memories Are Painted

Let your home be a canvas where memories are painted……

Wow! I just love that! I read that somewhere once and thought, I need to write that down! Your home being a place where memories are painted. Is that your home? I know that hasn't been my home lately! It certainly has at times, and will be again. It's so easy to get caught up in the "hustle and bustle" of life  and then you read something, or you hear something, and it calls you to a place of refocusing. Thank goodness for those times of refocus! Lord knows with my personality I think I need them daily sometimes!

In today's society we mom's wear so many hats. We need to remember to stop and evaluate sometimes. Our first and foremost responsibility is to our families. (in my personal opinion)  I am now reaching that point in life where I step back and go, "Wow, I only have a few more years left with my girls!"  How did that happen!? Where did the time go?! I'm not old enough to have kids this old…hehehe!

Am I providing an environment for my husband and  girls where their life is a canvas, where they can paint beautiful,  joyous, colorful memories? Am I fostering a home environment that my family can look to as a refuge? I think these are really good questions to ask ourselves from time to time.

These things have been very heavy on my heart for a while now and I know I must not be the only one out there feeling this way. I believe God put us here to live life with one another in a very REAL and TRANSPARENT way. So this is me being real ..hahaha!

The Bible says in Proverbs 16:3 "Commit to Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. "

Today I am committing my plan to the Lord. I commit to make my home a canvas where my family can paint wonderful memories. If you too are struggling in this area I encourage you to do the same.

Does this mean everything will now be perfect. Ha, No! Nothing ever is.However I do know  that it will bring me one step closer to what I would like it to be, what I pray for it to be. A sanctuary, a refuge, a place of love, peace and order. A place filled with laughter and joy. A place that provides that warm, snuggly feeling deep down in your soul!

Be encouraged ladies! Although it's hard at times to be a wife, mother, and homemaker and juggle all that comes along with this it's worth it. It truly is an investment! We're not only investing in our immediate family, we're investing in the next generation!

Go out today and paint gorgeous memories on the Canvas God has given you!


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