Monday, May 9, 2011

Couponing for Disaster Relief

helping hands Reader Spotlight: Couponing for Disaster Relief 

I know that we were all horrified by the devastation caused by the tornadoes last week and that we are all trying to do our little part to help the relief effort. So many of you have contacted me with your stories and information regarding donation drives and I thought the perfect way to do my part online would be to provide a space where we could talk about the way that couponing can really be such a blessing in times like these!
Many of you who frequent the I Heart Publix forum may know of Katie (aka khumber1), who has been collecting coupons for specific items to donate to the relief effort. Many of us have huge stockpiles that we’d love to use to help but we just live too far away from those who were affected. So Katie came up with a great idea – she is collecting coupons and hopes to donate TONS of brand new much-needed items to victims in her area while spending as little as possible out of pocket! Here’s her story:

Like many other Alabamians, I sat at home with my husband on Wednesday night, April 27th, and watched on live TV as a tornado almost a mile wide (later determined to be a strong EF4) made its path through the center of my hometown, Tuscaloosa, AL. Although I live about 45 minutes from there now, Tuscaloosa is where I was born, grew up, and even went to college at the University of Alabama, so I still consider it my hometown. I was checking in with my parents and friends constantly to make sure that everyone was safe. Unfortunately, this time, the answer was no. Many of our friends lost their homes and all their possessions, with some even losing their loved ones. It’s safe to say that I did not get much sleep that night, and I’m sure many of you in the area can relate.
The next morning, just like so many other people, my only focus was on two things – one, how incredibly blessed I was to still have my family, and two, what could I do to help. I was overwhelmed by the abundance of material goods at my house, while some people had lost everything they had. I started cleaning out my stockpile and was moved to tears by the amount I was able to donate, realizing how little it had cost me out of pocket. I knew these items for which I had paid so little would mean so much to the people who received them.
This started the mission I have started with my coupon buddies and on the I Heart Publix forum – I want to see how much I could do via donations of goods to the tornado victims by couponing. I have received responses from 15 people already, but by their generosity, you would think it was hundreds! Some even said that they did not have the coupons I needed in their binder, but they went the extra step and ordered them from a clipping service to be delivered to me!
I have gotten many questions about which coupons are most needed, so I compiled a list of the most helpful coupons based on the items that are being requested by the charities handling the distribution of goods. I am specifically working with my home church, First Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa, who has partnered with Samaritan’s Purse for this project. I would love to say that any and all coupons are needed, but I am trying my best to meet the specific needs that Samaritan’s Purse has identified.
Here is a list of the coupons that, to date, have helped the most toward the needed items:
• $.50/1 Mahatma rice from 5/1 RP
• $1/1 Reach toothbrush or floss from 4/17 SS or 1/9 SS
• $1/1 Aquafresh kids toothbrush, 4/17 RP
• B1G1 Right Guard from 5/1 RP
• $1/1 Ivory soap from 5/1 P&G
• $2.50/1 Pampers diapers from 5/1 P&G
• $5/1 Similac formula from 4/3 SS
• $3/1 Bic razors from 5/1 SS (especially if you have a rain check from this past week’s BOGO deal at Publix to send also!!)
• $1/1 or $3/1 Purex detergent from 5/1 RP
• $.01 Carefree pantiliners, Target coupon (regional) from several weeks back (I’m sorry – we did not get this, so I’m not sure of the date of the insert)
• $1/1 any Always from Everyday Savings booklet or home mailer
I do not want to limit the donations to just coupons for the items listed above, as inserts vary by area, etc. The items specifically requested are: non-perishable food items, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bar soap, toilet paper, feminine care, razors, diapers, formula, baby bottles, washcloths, combs, and shampoo. Also, once Tide Loads of Hope leaves (May 12th), there will be a huge need for laundry detergent, as many of the people have only a few sets of clothes that they have received via donation.
If you would like to contribute coupons to help purchase much-needed items to the tornado victims, please send them to the address below. I know many of you may want to donate items from your current stockpile, but please DO NOT send physical items to this address.
Women’s Ministry
First Baptist Church
721 Greensboro Avenue
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
I cannot express the overwhelming nature of the disaster areas. But the most encouraging thing to me has been the attitudes and the faith of the people in the area. Those who still have their homes have been volunteering in droves to help with the clean-up, and those who have lost everything are just thankful to still be alive. Everyone is ready to begin putting their lives back together, and they are all so thankful for the generosity of those who are helping. So please accept this heartfelt thank-you in advance to all of you who contribute to the effort – your donations really do make such a difference in the lives of real people!
Thanks so much for everything you’re doing, Katie! I am so proud to see you and so many other couponers doing their part to make the lives of those affected just a little bit better.
If you are organizing any sort of local donation for the disaster victims, feel free to use the comments to post and find information related to your area, or just to talk about your experience with beginning to rebuild after the tornadoes. If you are too far from a physical donation site you might consider donating coupons to Katie to help her provide relief in her area!


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