Sunday, May 1, 2011

A Few Random Thoughts........

I have a few random thoughts  I would like to share.

1) Do you have a time planned to clip and stuff your coupons this week? There are GREAT deals this week at Dillons and a Mega Sale coming next week. Make sure your ready. Being prepared is the best way to ensure the most savings.

2) Once you have clipped and stuffed what will you do with all those papers? You can recycle them at a local recycling center, burn them in your fire pit, or donate them to a local animal shelter. You can Google shelters in your area.

3) I am so proud of all of you who are working so hard to learn how to coupon. I love seeing the savings so please "Show me the Savings" on Facebook! Please feel free to post or upload your photos. Several of you have shared how couponing has changed your life. If you would like to share that on The Savvy Savings wall to encourage someone else please feel free to do so! I believe we're all here to help each other and learn from one another.

4) If you have things from your stockpile that you would like to donate please contact me. I have partnered with several different organizations and would LOVE to pass on blessings to them! I would encourage you to think about that when making your coupon plans. With all of us working together it doesn't take much! If every follower donated 1 item once a week that they were able to get free or almost free that would be 30 a week which works out to be 120-150 items a month! WOW!!!  There are so many in need right now in our own backyards. If this is something you would like to participate in with me monthly please comment under this post. These items would be collected monthly at the end of each month. (these numbers were calculated by the 30 followers on this blog not the 70 something on Facebook! See where I'm going with this guys =)

Thank you so much for all the support and encouragement you give to me and my ministry! Have a MARVELOUS Monday!




Vicki said...

This is my heart as well Shannon. EVERY blessing should become a blessing for someone else. Don't think that you can't make a difference or that you don't have enough to give. It doesn't take much but everyone working together can make such a huge impact! That one item that you may think is insignificant, when combined with one from another and another can supply the needs of many. So count me in Shannon. Let's make a difference!

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