Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Hot and Rare: $1.00/4 Libby's Canned Veggies

I don't find many Canned veggie coupons so I was pretty excited about this one!

Go here to Print a Libby's Canned Veggie Coupon . You need to use the zip code 77477.

You can print this coupon twice.

Savvy Savings: June Classes and Clubs

Here is a list of scheduled events for the month of June.
 Please note the date change for the Coupon 102 class.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011 7:00 Coupon 101 $5.00

Wednesday, June 8, 2011 sipNclip (coupon club and exchange) This is a free event

Wednesday, June 29, 2011 7:00 Coupon 102 $5.00

10 Tips to Being a Savvy Shopper

  • Shop with cash. It is more difficult to part with cash than it is to swipe a credit or debit card. With cash you are less likely to buy what you DON’T need. It’s a psychological trick of the mind- that works!

  • Purchase clothing and accessories (e.g. belts, hats, scarves, purses, even shoes) in the off-season or wait for end-of-season sales. I have gotten myself some excellent bargains this way. I swear by its effectiveness (your pocketbook will too!).

  • Organize your grocery list by departments (e.g. bakery, deli, produce, frozen foods). It will help you from having to go back and forth from one end of the store to the other. Believe me it saves a lot of time and energy!

  • Stock up on in-season vegetables and freeze them for use when prices are threw the roof. This way you will have plenty of tasty vegetables for meals and will have saved yourself some bucks in the process.

  • Take your own bags to the grocery store when you shop (if you live in an area where this is possible). Many stores will give you a discount or donate the money to charity if you do so. Call ahead and find out if the stores in your area offer such a deal.

  • Shop for birthday party loot bag items and hostess/shower gifts well in advance. This will enable you to save money and you will never be caught empty-handed when an occasion arrives. The new “dollar” stores that have been cropping up the past few years are a terrific place to buy greeting cards, wrapping paper, party hats, tissue paper and the like at very affordable prices.

  • Here’s a tough one to do sometimes, but advisable- leave the kids at home when you go shopping. Hire a babysitter or better yet, do your shopping when the kids are in school. Kids cause impulse shopping very often. And impulse shopping can run you into big spending. Try to avoid it at all costs.

  • Instead of paying for pricey manicures, pedicures and spa treatments buy beauty products at a pharmacy and have your own “spa” day right in your own home. Another idea is to invite some friends over and make it a special spa night for the girls! Pamper yourself! You’re worth it after all!

  • When purchasing eyeglasses, ask for the price of the lenses and frames separately. Then shop around for the best price on both. There is no diehard rule that says you have to buy them both at the same place. You don’t. And don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

  • Buy display models of household appliances and furniture (if that is an option). The added bonus to buying display furniture is that there is no assembly required. What a treat for those of us who are not good at following manufacturer’s instructions!

  • I came across this on GoogoBits.com Most of this is what I already do so I thought I would share it with you. This gives you a few ideas outside of grocery shopping to save money. Do you have a "Savvy" way you save money? If so, leave it in the comment box. 
  • Monday, May 30, 2011

    Monday's Menu: Weekly Menu Plan

    Monday: Grill Filet Mignon, Sweet Potato, Steamed Veggies, Salad
    Tuesday: BBQ Chicken, Scalloped Potatoes, Veggie, Salad
    Wednesday: Beef Tacos, Rice, Beans
    Thursday: Salmon, Veggie, Spinach Salad
    Friday: Homemade Pizza, Fruit Smoothie  (kids choice they will make dinner for us =)
    Saturday: Chili Dogs, Fries, Veggie, Tossed Salad
    Sunday: Creamy Chicken Florentine Pasta, Italian Salad, Bread

    Intro to Couponing

    There will be an Introduction to Couponing class on Wednesday, June 1, 2011 at 7:00 the class fee is $5.00 and childcare is provided. It will be held upstairs in the prayer room. We will have a sign posted. If you would like to attend please email me at register@savvysavings.com

    Joplin: Current List of Needs

    Cleaning Supplies
    Laundry Detergent
    Peanut Butter
    Snack Cakes
    Hand Soap
    Baby Strollers
    Booster Seats
    Preemie Items
    Diaper Bags
    Baby Lotion
    Baby Bath
    Sippy Cups
    Sheets: Twin and Crib
    Air Mattresses

    You can drop your donations at Grace Chapel Church 1120 E Farm Road 182 Springfield, MO 65810-2813
    (417) 887-5625

    CVS Deals 5/29 - 6/4

    Go here  to see CVS Deals

    Walgreens Deals 5/29 - 6/4

    Go here to see Walgreens deals.

    Sunday, May 29, 2011

    Joplin's Found Photos

    If you know anyone from Joplin who has lost photos or you are a volunteer working and find photos you can go here to Joplin's Found Photos   on facebook.

    Friday, May 27, 2011

    Joplin: Comfort for Kids Kit

    Care Kits for Children
    in the Joplin Area
    The Council of Churches is collecting NEW donations for Care Kits that will be distributed to children in the Joplin area to assist in dealing with the stress of the recent tornado disaster. Additional basic coping tips will also be included. In just 2 days, nearly 5,000 of the Care Kits have already been requested by Jasper County Children's Division, Joplin area Childcare Providers & other Joplin area children's service agencies-with many more requests expected. 
    Our goal is 10,000 Care Kits & we need your help!

     ITEMS NEEDED (printable flyer)
    Lotion (travel size)
    Bubbles (small)
    Stickers (scratch 'n' sniff preferred)
    Journals, Notebooks or Sketch pads 
    Rubber balls or Stress balls
    Stuffed animals (small)
    Fruit snacks (individually packaged)

    Council of Churches (627 N. Glenstone)
    Any Springfield-Greene County Library
    Old Missouri Bank (3570 S. National OR 1535 W. Sunshine)

    We need help sorting donations & assembling the Care Kits
    June 6th: 8am-11am & 2pm-5pm (3 hour shifts)
    June 7th & 8th: 9am-5pm (2 hour shifts)

    *Council of Churches staff will deliver the Care Kits June 9-10th to Jasper County Children's Division, Joplin area Childcare Providers & other Joplin children's service agencies.  
    *To Volunteer or donate Money ($10 per Care Kit): Call 417-862-3586 or visit www.ccozarks.org 

    Thursday, May 26, 2011

    No Coupon Inserts This Weekend

    There will be NO coupon inserts this weekend because of the holiday. Go here to see different ways to acquire coupons this weekend. Have a happy and safe holiday weekend! 

    Immediate Joplin Need

    I was contacted from someone in Joplin and asked to post an immediate need:
    Diapers size 4 and up
    Women and Children NEW underwear

    Wednesday, May 25, 2011

    Joplin Donation Update 5-25-11

    This evening I was able to have the privilege of  helping put together a task force for donations to Joplin. I will use this blog to communicate needs for this task force. This will also post to facebook and twitter. Please "like" us on facebook or follow us @savvy_savings on twitter for information.

    Grace Chapel Church and Savvy Savings will be working with Joplin Destiny Church in Joplin, Mo. We have 10 families who need immediate help. These families lost EVERYTHING. I will be posting different ways you can help.

    Let me start by saying no donation is to small. Even if you can only give a tube of toothpaste, it will help someone!

    Tonight I sat in a meeting hearing all the needs and all the numbers and just kept thinking Lord, oh my, Lord! It was truly overwhelming to hear the needs in this community. I then watched a group assemble to load donations that have come in the last 2 days. I saw person after person with arms full of everything you can imagine and praised God! Lord, Oh Lord! We can do this! I then came home and again and  thought how on earth, Lord there are just so many needs! Can one tiny group of people truly make a difference?

     I asked God to speak to me. I said," God, I seriously need to hear you loud and clear right now because I can't do this on my own." I no sooner opened a book and this is what I read:

    "Two are better than one, because together they can work more effectively. If one of them falls down, the other can help him up …. Two people can resist an attack that would defeat one person alone. A rope made of three cords is hard to break"        Ecclesiastes 4:9 (TEV)

    If that's not loud and clear I don't what is! I can't do this on my own and I'm not expected too. Oh me and my little faith sometimes! I truly wonder if God wants to drop kick me from time to time .. haha!

    All this to say, NO donation is to small! Every little bit helps!

    Help us make a difference in our world by showing the love of God to those suffering in hands on practical ways!

    You can bring your donations to Grace Chapel Church. They're in need of everything right now. One specific requests is bibles, New or used. There are people asking for bibles in the community and they don't have any. If you would like to donate money for us to "coupon" with I have a team of couponers ready. They will use 100% of the money for Joplin. It's truly amazing what these ladies can do with $5.00. We also need coupons. Please drop off any coupons you will not be using. We will use these to buy items for Joplin.

    Thank you again to everyone who supports this blog! May God bless each of you in AMAZING ways!



    Grace Chapel Church

    Let Your Home Be A Canvas Where Memories Are Painted

    Let your home be a canvas where memories are painted……

    Wow! I just love that! I read that somewhere once and thought, I need to write that down! Your home being a place where memories are painted. Is that your home? I know that hasn't been my home lately! It certainly has at times, and will be again. It's so easy to get caught up in the "hustle and bustle" of life  and then you read something, or you hear something, and it calls you to a place of refocusing. Thank goodness for those times of refocus! Lord knows with my personality I think I need them daily sometimes!

    In today's society we mom's wear so many hats. We need to remember to stop and evaluate sometimes. Our first and foremost responsibility is to our families. (in my personal opinion)  I am now reaching that point in life where I step back and go, "Wow, I only have a few more years left with my girls!"  How did that happen!? Where did the time go?! I'm not old enough to have kids this old…hehehe!

    Am I providing an environment for my husband and  girls where their life is a canvas, where they can paint beautiful,  joyous, colorful memories? Am I fostering a home environment that my family can look to as a refuge? I think these are really good questions to ask ourselves from time to time.

    These things have been very heavy on my heart for a while now and I know I must not be the only one out there feeling this way. I believe God put us here to live life with one another in a very REAL and TRANSPARENT way. So this is me being real ..hahaha!

    The Bible says in Proverbs 16:3 "Commit to Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. "

    Today I am committing my plan to the Lord. I commit to make my home a canvas where my family can paint wonderful memories. If you too are struggling in this area I encourage you to do the same.

    Does this mean everything will now be perfect. Ha, No! Nothing ever is.However I do know  that it will bring me one step closer to what I would like it to be, what I pray for it to be. A sanctuary, a refuge, a place of love, peace and order. A place filled with laughter and joy. A place that provides that warm, snuggly feeling deep down in your soul!

    Be encouraged ladies! Although it's hard at times to be a wife, mother, and homemaker and juggle all that comes along with this it's worth it. It truly is an investment! We're not only investing in our immediate family, we're investing in the next generation!

    Go out today and paint gorgeous memories on the Canvas God has given you!

    Joplin:Sam's Club No Membership Needed to Shop

    Sam’s Club letting anyone shop at Sam’s Club in Joplin, Missouri right now whether you have a membership or not, no card needed and no upcharge either! A reader emailed to let me know and I called them to confirm this and they said that yes, that this will be “Ongoing until further notice”. I would recommend calling first before going because I’m not sure how long this offer will last, but it sounds like it should be going on awhile. Their address & phone:
    3536 Hammons Boulevard
    Joplin, MO 64804
    (417) 623-6200
     Thanks for posting Frugal Fritzie

    Aldi's Deals

    Go here  to view Aldi's deals this week.

    Dillons Deals 5/25 - 5/31

    Go here to view Dillons deals

    Tuesday, May 24, 2011

    Joplin Outreach Task Force Meeting Tomorrow Night

    If you would like to be a part of a task force we are forming to facilitate our relief work in Joplin we will meet during a portion of the service tomorrow night. The purpose of this task force will be to identify people in our church who want to do the work and coordination necessary to engage our church in relief work. You do not have to come to this meeting to be a part of the relief work, just if you are willing to help organize and coordinate our efforts. Service starts at 7.

    Grace Chapel Church

    $1.00/2 Fruit2Day

    Go here to get a coupon for Fruit2Day smoothie. These are sold at Walmart and Dillons.  If you find a good deal match-up let us know!

    Joplin Donations

    Grace Chapel Church will send a team to Joplin Thursday. If you would like to donate to Joplin you can drop it off tomorrow at the church. Thank you to everyone who has donated so far! If you have any questions, please post them in this box.

    Grace Chapel Church
    1120 E Farm Road 182
    Springfield, MO 65810-2813
    (417) 887-5625

    Ten Things You Can Do With Vinegar

    I love vinegar! There are so many things you can use it for, and it's cheap! I buy two very large jugs at Sam's Club for under $3.00! I not only use it for cleaning, I also use it to make a coleslaw dressing, and get rid of weeds that grow in the cracks of my driveway! Here's an article I found online that has some great ideas!

    I consider vinegar to be an indispensable tool in any kitchen – this ingredient can clean practically anything plus perform some nifty restorations and maintenance tricks.
    I think everyone know about cleaning coffee makers, teakettles and teapots, adding a little into dishwasher and running a rinse cycle ot using a solution with water to clean splatters in the microwave oven. And maybe some people use it to prevent mildew on rubber seals of their refrigerators and cleaning discoloured pots and pans.

    Here are my top 10 favorite uses for this wonder liquid:
    1. Clean the burned-on mess off a broiler pan by adding  2 cups of vinegar and 1/4 cup sugar to pan while its still warm. Soak the pan for an hour ,then clean as usual
    2. Mixture of equal parts of vinegar, salt and baking soda may help to open a slow-draining sink. Pour solution down the drain, let it sit for an hour, then pour boiling water of very hot tap water down the drain.
    3. Rubber seals on garbage disposals can retain odours. To deodorize it, remove seal and let it soak ion vinegar for an hour.
    4. Clean minor stains on white porcelain sink with a sprinkle of baking soda and sponge dampened with vinegar.
    5. For tough or aged stains in a white porcelain sink, cover stained area with a paper towels saturated in household bleach (wear rubber gloves and make sure the room is well ventilated) leave paper towels for 1/2 hour or until they dry out. remove towels and rinse area thoroughly. Follow this with cleaning the sink with vinegar to remove the bleach smell.
    6. A wooden breadbox tends to become sticky with finger-prints and food. freshen it up by wiping surface with vinegar on a sponge or cloth. Do this periodically to prevent grime buildup. For heavy buildup, try repeated wipes with a sponge dampened with vinegar and sprinkled with salt.
    7. Shower curtains or liners can become dulled by soap film or plagued with mildew. Keep vinegar in a spray bottle near shower and squirt shower curtain once or twice a week. No need to rinse.
    8. Pour vinegar into toilet and let sit 30 minutes. Next sprinkle baking soda on a toilet bowl brush and scour any remaining stained area. Flush.
    9. To dissolve chewing gum stuck in a carpet, saturate area with vinegar and let sit briefly. For faster results, heat the vinegar first. Carefully tug at the gum to remove it.
    10. Chocolate stains can be cleaned with 1 part of vinegar and 2 parts of water. Sponge on mixture and blot with lots of clean cloths until the stain is gone.
    Thanks for the great ideas Mama Knows!

    Monday, May 23, 2011

    Monday's Menu: Weekly Menu Plan

    Here is this weeks menu. Although I list things by day I don't always do it that way, sometimes I switch things around to fit "life" that comes up.

    Monday: Beef Enchiladas, Beans, Rice, Salad
    Tuesday: Homemade Pizza, Salad, Fruit Smoothies
    Wednesday: Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup, Salad
    Thursday: Homemade Mac and Cheese, Green Beans, Salad
    Friday: Salmon, Sweetpotaoe, Spinach Salad
    Saturday: Left Overs/Grill/Out (whatever works best for our family that day)
    Sunday: Lentil Soup, Salad, Home Made Focaccia

    *** Because I have older kids breakfast is "on your own." They tend to eat eggs, fruit, toast, waffles, yogurt, pancakes, leftovers. Just whatever they're in the mood for. Lunch is pretty well the same. They will make soups, salads, sandwiches, leftovers,frozen meals.

    I hope this helps to give you some ideas for menu planning this week. By planning your meals it takes the guess work out of, "what are we having for dinner!" I love that about meal planning!

    URGENT: Joplin Donations

    If you would like to donate to the people of Joplin you can bring your item to 3 different locations:

    Grace Chapel Church 1120 E ...Farm Road 182 Springfield, Mo 65810
    Glendale Christian 2110 S Blackman Rd Springfield, MO 65809.
    Jefferson Ave. Baptist 316 East Sunshine Street Springfield, MO 65807

    The deadline for Glendale and Grace Chapel is Friday, May 27, 2011 NOON
    The deadline for JABC is Wednesday, May 25, 2011 5:00

    Here is what they need:

     TP, diapers, wipes, paper towels, personal hygiene, and oral care items, clothes (all sizes), shoes (all sizes), new underwear, food, water. 

    They need EVERYTHING so anything will help! 

    Of you have any questions please use the comment box below to ask. 

    Thank you so much for all your help

    Sunday, May 22, 2011

    New Look: Blog is Under Construction

    Hello Everyone!

    Don't we look different? Isn't it great!! 

    The blog is going to be under construction for the next couple weeks so please bare with us. We plan to keep the blog functioning and running while it's under construction so please continue to use it and look around while your here.

    As most of you know I'm not "tech" Savvy at all so I am praising and thanking God today for the friend he sent me that's helping me! She is incredible and all these awesome changes are due to her !!

    You can follow us on facebook at Savvy Savings or follow us on Twitter at @savvy_savings
    You can also email us at info@savvysavings.org

    We need your help with our blog construction

    Can you please use the comment box below to share with us what you would like to see on this blog and how you use this blog. This blog is for you, our followers, so your input is VERY important in this process. Any feedback you have would help us out TONS!!

    Thank you again for your patience and support!


    Saturday, May 21, 2011

    Walgreens Coupon Deals 5/22/11

    CVS Deals 5/22/11

    Head here to check this weeks CVS Coupon Deals

    Target Deals 5/22/11

    Head on over here to check out this weeks Target deals

    Friday, May 20, 2011

    New Coupon Club: sipNclip at Grace Chapel Church

    Savvy Savings is excited to announce our new Coupon Exchange Club "sipNclip"

    This will be a FREE coupon exchange held on the 2nd. Wednesday of every month. This is a time to come, relax and enjoy the company of other couponers. We will hold an exchange, so bring your binder! Come "clip and stuff", sip hot coffee, or tea (hence the name sipNclip ...hehe) 

    This is a time we're setting aside to build relationships and learn from one another.  Please feel free to tell your friends.

    Because Savvy Savings is partnered with organizations in the community we're asking our seasoned couponers to bring 1stockpile item to donate. Our local food pantries are very low right now. ( I saw it with my own eyes this week, it's REALLY sad)

    If you have any question about this group, please feel free to ask them in the comment box below. I look forward to seeing you all in a few weeks! If there are specific coupons you're looking for post them on the facebook page or in the comment box.

    Who: All Couponers
    When: 2nd. Wednesday of each month at 7:00
    Where: Grace Chapel Church
    Cost: FREE (we're asking you bring 1stockpile item to donate)
    Childcare is provided =)

    Sunday Coupon Preview 5/22/11

    Go HERE to view this weeks Sunday Preview

    Thursday, May 19, 2011

    Dillons Deals

    Go here to view this weeks Dillons deals.

    $.55/1 Kraft Dressing

    Go here  to print Kraft Dressing coupon. 
    Once it prints you can hit your back button to print again. This will double at Dillons to $1.00

    Monday, May 16, 2011

    Target Deals

    Go HERE to see Target Deals

    Target: Nivea Happy Sensation Lotion $1.04

    Nivea Happy Sensation Lotion Only $1.04 at Target!

    Hooray!  With the new Nivea coupon that came in today’s 5/15 Red Plum and the new Target coupons you can get Nivea Happy Sensation Lotion for just $1.04 at Target!
    Nivea Happy Sensation Lotion $5.04
    Use $3.00/1  Nivea Happy Sensation Lotion from RP 5/15
    And use $1.00/1 – Nivea Skin Care Lotion – (target.com)
    Final Price: $1.04

    Thanks Krazy Coupon Lady

    Target: Free Ore Ida Easy Fries

    Free Ore Ida Easy Fries at Target!

    Target gave us a slew of new coupons yesterday!  One is a $2.00 off coupon good on 2 Ore Ida frozen potato items!  Ore Ida Easy Fries Golden Crinkles are regularly $0.99 at Target, which means two packages for FREE after coupon!
    Buy 2 Ore Ida Easy Fries Golden Crinkles $0.99
    $2.00/2 – Ore Ida Frozen Potato Items – (target.com)
    Final Price: Free when you buy 2

    Thank You  Krazy Coupon Lady

    Haiti donations

    I was told that full size or travel size products are okay. They need all that they can get and it will be greatly appreciated.

    Sunday, May 15, 2011

    Help: Donations for Haiti

    Do you have any items you would like to donate from your stockpile? One of the young girls I mentor is heading to Haiti for a mission trip and she's REALLY in need of donations to bring with her.
     If you can help please leave your comments under this post. If everybody could just give one item it would REALLY help. Thanks guys!

    Shop Smart:Top 10 Coupon Sites

    According to an article in Consumer Reports Shop Smart Magazine the following sites have been rated "The Top 10" I've posted the links for you to checkout:


    Coupon Sherpa






    I hope you find these helpful =)

    New Kroger Catalinas

    Head over here to view the new Kroger catalinas

    Hot Oscar Mayer Coupons: Hurry and Print

    Go here to coupons.com to print Oscar Mayer  lunchable, lunchmeat, and hot dog coupons. You may need to use the 90210 zip code to find them. Hurry, these probably won't last very long.

    Saturday, May 14, 2011

    Sunday Coupon Preview 5-15-11

    Go Here  to preview Coupons for 5/15/11

    There will be 1 Smartsource and 1 Redplum 

    $1.50/1 Scott Naturals Coupon

    Go here to print a Scott Naturals coupon. You can print them twice. Just select your coupon and enter your email then print. Once it's printed once hit your back button to print again.

    Friday, May 13, 2011

    Staples:Free Scotch Tape Starting 5/15/11

    Starting this Sunday 5/15 you will be able to get free Scotch Magic Tape at Staples!  It will be on sale for $0.99 and with the $1.00 off coupon you can get it for FREE!
    Scotch Magic Tape with Dispenser $0.99
    $1.00/1 – Scotch Magic Tape – (3m.com)Final Price: FREE
    Thanks Krazy Coupon Mom

    Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive 5/14/11

    Saturday, May 14th is the annual Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive by Feeding America.  Each year, Feeding America feeds more than 37 million people in the United States.  If you would like to participate in this worthy cause, you can leave a bag of non-perishable food items at your mailbox.  Your mail carrier will pick it up and deliver it for you.  Although all of America is participating, not all mail carriers will be able to pick up the items.  Go HERE to find out if your area will have pick up.

    Wednesday, May 11, 2011

    Dillons Deals 5/11 - 5/17

    Boneless Beef Top Round Roast USDA Choice - $2.99 lb.
    Hebrew National Beef Franks (11-12 oz.) - $3.00
    Use $1.00/1 Hebrew National Beef Franks (12 oz. or larger) any coupon from All You Magazine, April issue
    Final Cost $2.00
    Marzetti Vegetable Dips Buy One, Get One Free @ $3.99, so $2.00 ea.
    Use $1.00/1 Marzetti Veggie Dip coupon from HERE
    Or Use $1.00/1 Marzetti Otria Greek Yogurt Veggie Dip, any coupon from the 3/6 SS insert or from HERE
    Final Cost $1.00
    Nature Sweet Cherubs (10 oz.) - $3.00
    Use $0.50/1 Nature Sweet Cherubs Tomatoes coupon from the 4/10 SS insert (doubles) (some areas received $1.00/2 coupon)
    Final Cost $2.00-$2.50
    Driscoll’s Red Ripe Strawberries (16 oz.) - $1.99
    Use $0.50/1 coupon from HERE
    Dannon Yogurt, Various (4-6 ct. or 32 oz.) - $1.49*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $1.99-$0.50
    Use $0.40/1 Dannon Light & Fit, six (6) 6-oz Single-Serve or one (1) Light & Fit, 6-oz 4-pack coupon from the 4/10 SS insert (doubles)
    Final Cost $0.69
    Sunny D (64 oz.) - $0.89*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $1.39-$0.50
    Note: If you had a chance to print the $0.55 coupon HERE (no longer available), then Free Juice!
    Kraft Singles (16 ct.) - $1.79
    Use $0.75/1 Kraft 2% Singles coupon from HERE (doubles to $1.00) or $1.00/1 HERE
    Final Cost $0.79
    Philadelphia Cream Cheese (8 oz) - $1.49*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $1.99-$0.50
    Philadelphia Cooking Creme - $2.49*WYB 10 Participating items $2.99-$0.50 (Thanks Helen!)
    Use $1.50/1 Philadelphia Cooking Creme, any package coupon from the 3/6 SS insert
    Final Cost $0.99
    Jell-O Pudding, Gelatin or Temptations (3-6 ct.) - $1.99*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $2.49-$0.50
    Use $1.00/1 Temptations coupon from HERE
    Final Cost $0.99
    Silk Pure Almond or Pure Coconut (half gallon) - $1.99*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $2.49-$0.50
    Use $0.75-$1.25/1 coupon from HERE (print a coupon for $0.75 off Silk, OR register as a new user & agree to answer a quick survey & bump up your coupon to $1.25)
    Or Use $1.00/1 Silk, any half gallon coupon from the 4/10 SS insert
    Final Cost $0.74-$0.99
    Propel Fitness Water (24 oz.) - $0.49*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $0.99-$0.50
    Use $1.00/2 Propel Zero Calorie Water, any 20 or 24oz single serve bottles coupon fro the 2/13 SS insert
    Final Cost FREE
    Ozarka (3 Liter Bottle) - $0.49*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $0.99-$0.50
    Nestle Pure Life Water (24 pk./16.9 oz. bottles) - $3.49*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $3.99-$0.50
    Use $1.00/2 coupon HERE, “Like” them, go to the “Coupons” tab (if needed), click on “Save Now”
    Final Cost $2.99 ea.
    Pepsi Products (2 Liter Bottles) - $0.84*Buy 4 @ $1.25 ea., Get 2 FREE (6 for $0.84 ea.)
    Michelina’s Frozen Entree (4-10 oz.) - $0.88
    Buy 5, Use $1.00/5 Michelina or Lean Michelina coupons from HERE and HERE
    Final Cost $0.68 ea.
    Weight Watchers Smart Ones Entree (4.5-11 oz.) - $1.68*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $2.18-$0.50
    Use $1.00/5 coupon HERE
    Final Cost $1.48 ea.
    Freschetta Pizza or Red Baron Pan Pizza or Pan Pasta (12.5-30 oz.) - $4.99*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $5.49-$0.50
    Use $1.00/1 Freschetta Multi-Serve Pizza coupon fro the 4/10 SS insert or HERE
    Or Use $1.00/1 Red Baron Pan Pizza or Pan Pasta coupon from the 3/27 SS insert
    Final Cost $3.99
    Kellogg’s Eggo Waffles (10 ct. or 10.9-12.6 oz.) - $1.99*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $2.49-$0.50
    If included in the sale, Use $0.75/1 Kellogg’s FiberPlus Eggo Waffles, any 8 ct coupon from the 4/17 RP insert (doubles to $1.00)
    Or Use $0.75/2 Kellogg’s Eggo Frozen Product, any 5.3 oz or larger coupon from the 3/13 RP insert ( expires 5/8, doubles to $1.00)
    Final Cost $0.99-$1.49 ea.
    Tyson Chicken or Any’tizers (22-28 oz.) - $6.99
    Use $1.00/1 Tyson Any’tizers, any bag coupon from the 3/6 or coupon from HERE
    Final Cost $5.99
    Mom’s Best Natural Cereal (12.5-16 oz.) - $0.99*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $1.49-$0.50
    Use $0.75/1 coupon from HERE (doubles to $1.00)
    Final Cost FREE
    Kellogg’s Cereal (12-20 oz.) - $1.98
    Use $0.70/1 Raisin Bran coupon HERE (log in or sign up to access) (doubles to $1.00)
    Or Use various $1.00/2 coupons HERE
    Or Use $1.00/2 Kellogg’s Rice Krispies and/or Cocoa Krispies Cereals, any 12 oz or larger coupon from the 4/17 RP insert
    Final Cost $0.98-$1.48 ea.
    Quaker Cereals, various - $1.99*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $2.49-$0.50
    Use $0.50/1 Quaker Cap’n Crunch Cereal, Any coupon from the 4/17 RP insert (doubles) (some areas received $1.00/2)
    Or Use $2.00/3 Life, Quaker Oatmeal Squares, Cap’N Crunch Cereal 12-24 oz, or Tropicana Pure Premium and Trop50, any 59oz or larger coupon from the 5/1 “Moments to Save” special insert
    Final Cost $0.99-$1.33 ea.
    Quaker Quakes Rice Snacks (3-4 oz.) - $0.79*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $1.29-$0.50
    Use $0.55/2 Quaker Rice Snacks coupon from the 5/1 “Moments to Save” special insert (doubles to $1.00)
    Final Cost $0.29 ea.
    Boulder Canyon Chips (5 oz.) - $0.99*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $1.49-$0.50
    Use $1.00/1 or $1.00/2 coupons HERE (zipcode 90210)
    Final Cost FREE-$0.49 ea.
    Clif Kid ZBar, ZFruit or Crunch Bars (5-6 pk.) - $1.99*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $2.49-$0.50
    Use $1.00/1 Clif Kid ZBar coupon HERE
    Final Cost $0.99
    Cheez-it Snack Crackers (9.8-14 oz.) - $2.25*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $2.75-$0.50
    Use $1.00/1 Cheez-it Baby Swiss 13.6 oz. Crackers coupon from HERE or HERE
    Final Cost $1.25

    Ragu Pasta Sauce (16-23.6 oz.) - $1.17*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $1.67-$0.50
    Use $1.00/2 coupon HERE (no longer available, hopefully you had a chance to print)
    Final Cost $0.67 ea.
    American Beauty Pasta (12-16 oz.) - $0.49*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $0.99-$0.50
    IF include in the sale, Use $0.55/1 American Beauty Quick Cook Pasta, Any coupon from the 4/10 SS insert or $1.00/2 HERE
    Final Cost FREE (IF part of the sale)
    Ronzoni Pasta, various - $0.99*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $1.49-$0.50 (Thanks Lecia!)
    Use various $1.00/2 coupons HERE and various coupons from the 4/10 SS insert
    Final Cost $0.49 ea.
    Campbell’s Soup (10.5-11.5 oz., select varieties) - $0.89*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $1.39-$0.50
    Use $0.30/3 Campbell’s Condensed Soups coupon from the 2/27 SS insert (doubles, expires 5/15)
    Or Use $0.40/4 Campbell’s Condensed “Great for Cooking” soups, any coupon from the 3/6 SS insert (doubles)
    Final Cost $0.69 ea.

    Kraft Miracle Whip or Mayo (22-30 oz.) - $2.49*WHEN YOU BUY any 10 participating items $2.99-$0.50
    Use $0.75/1 Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip, Any 22 oz. or larger coupon from the 4/10 SS insert (doubles to $1.00) (Note: Expired 5/8, some Dillons accept expired coupons up to 2 weeks after the expiration date)
    Final Cost $1.49
    Frank’s Hot Sauce Small Bottle $1.29
    Use $0.50/1 Frank’s Redhot Sauce coupon from the 3/13 SS insert or HERE (doubles)
    Final Cost $0.29
    Nature’s Bounty Vitamins or Supplements Buy One, Get One Free
    Deal Scenario:
    Buy 2 (look for the lower priced bottles for the best deal), Use $2.00/1 any one (1) Nature’s Bounty Vitamin Supplement eCoupon Dillons
    And Use $1.00/1 Nature’s Bounty supplement coupon from the 4/10 RP insert or from HERE
    Final Cost Varies

    Thank you so much Frugal Fritzie

    Tuesday, May 10, 2011

    Coupon Class and Meal Planning Class Information

    Couponing 102 (Grace Chapel Church)
    May 11. 2011 
    June 8, 2011

    Introduction to Couponing (Grace Chapel Church) 
    June 1, 2011 

    Class fee $5.00 childcare is provided email to register shannon_yarnell@yahoo.com 

    Meal Planning
    This class is currently under construction, a date will be announced in the next couple weeks watch the blog for details. 

    Don't forget to follow me on facebook at Savvy Savings

    Red Plum 5/15 Coupon Preview

    Aquafresh iso-active Foaming gel Save $1.00/1 (6/26)
    Aveeno sun protection product Save $1.50/1 (7/31)
    Aveeno sun protection products Save $3.00/2 (7/31)
    Benadryl topical product Save $1.00/1 (7/31)
    Black Box rebate offer Save $5.00 (7/31)
    Brawny Paper Towels 6- roll or larger Save $1.00/2 ((8/11)
    Caltrate Save $2.00/1 (8/22)
    Caltrate larger size 155ct or larger Save $3.00/1 (8/22)
    Carbona color & dirt grabber Save $1.00/1 (8/13)
    Carbona stain devils Save $1.00/1 (8/13)
    Centrum Silver Women’s, Centrum Silver Men’s, Centrum Women’s or Centrum Men’s 100 ct Save $2.00/1 (8/7)
    Centrum Silver Women’s, Centrum Silver Men’s, Centrum Women’s or Men’s 100ct Save $5.00/2 (8/7)
    Centrum Silver women’s , Centrum Silver Men’s, Centrum Women’s or Men’s 200 ct Save $10.00/2 (8/7)
    Cesar entrees Buy THREE get ONE FREE up to Save $1.19 (8/6)
    Cortaid product Save $3.00/1 (7/31)
    FiberChoice product Save $3.00/1 (7/9)
    Gillette Body Wash no trial Save $2.00/1 (6/30)
    Gillette Deodorant Buy ONE GET ONE FREE up to Save $4.00 (6/30)
    Goya Olive oil 17oz or larger Save $.75/1 (8/15) DND5
    Goya Adobo 16.5 oz or larger Save $.55/1 (8/15) DND5
    Grain Berry Antioxidant Cereals Save $1.00/1 (7/31)
    Grain Berry pancake or muffin mix Save $1.00/1 (7/31)
    Johnson & Johnson Red Cross Brand product Save $1.00/2 (7/31)
    Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats and/or Kellogg’s Raisin Bran Cereals 14oz or larger Save $1.00/2 (6/26)
    Kellogg’s Cereals 8.7oz or larger Save $1.00/3 (6/26)
    Kellogg’s Pop-Tarts 8 ct or larger Save $1.00/3 (7/10)
    Kraft dressing 14 oz or larger Save $1.50/2 (6/12)
    Land O’Frost Premium One Pound Save $.55/1 (7/31) DND5
    Lawry’s Marinade Save $.50/1 (6/19)
    Lawry’s Spice Blend Save $.50/1 (6/19)
    L’Oreal Sublime Bronze product Save $1.00/1 (7/10)
    L’Oreal Paris skincare Save $1.00/1 (7/10)
    L’Oreal Ever Sleek, Ever Pure, Ever Strong shampoo or conditioner Save $1.00/1 (7/10)
    L’Oreal Ever Sleek, Ever Pure, Ever Strong treatment Save $1.00/1 (7/10)
    L’Oreal Vive Pro Shampoo Save $1.00/1 (7/10)
    L’Oreal Studio Line Styling Product or L’Oreal Vive Pro Glossy Style product Save $1.00/1 (7/10)
    L’Oreal haircolor product any Save $2.00/1 (7/10)
    L’Oreal haircolor products any Save $5.00/2 (7/10)
    Milo’s kitchen brand 100% real dog treats 3.3oz or smaller Save $1.50/1 (7/9)
    Milo’s Kitchen brand 100 real dog treats 10oz or larger Save $2.00/1 (7/9)
    Neosporin Lip Health product Save $1.00/1 (7/31)
    Neosporin and Band-Aid brand adhesive bandages product Save $1.50 on BOTH (7/31)
    Nivea Body Lotion 8.4 fl. oz – 13.5 fl. oz. Save $2.00/1 (6/26)
    Nivea Good-Bye Cellulite product 2.5oz-6.7oz Save $3.00/1 (6/26)
    Osteo Bi-Flex caplets, softgels or powder no liquids Save $5.00/1 (6/26)
    Polident products Save $1.00/1 (6/26)
    Super Poligrip Products Save $1.00/1 (6/26)
    Pup-Peroni dog snacks 4/8oz or larger Save $1.50/2 (7/15)
    Scotties facial tissues 5 boxes or 2 multipacks Save $1.00 (6/18/`11)
    Sensodyne ProNamel toothpaste Save $1.00/1 (8/14)
    Sensodyne Toothpaste or iso-active foaming gel .75/1 (8/14)
    Silver Palate thick & Rough oatmeal Save $1.00/1 (7/31)
    Smuckers toppings product Save $1.00/2 (8/31)
    Snausages or Snow Somes! dog snacks 9.75 oz or larger Save $1.50/2 (7/15)
    Sundown vitamins or supplements product Save $1.00/1 (6/28)
    Turkey Hill half gallons or larger Drinks Save $1.00/2 (8/15)
    Uncle Ben’s original converted brand rice products Save $1.00/2 (7/10)
    Venus Razor or Venus Disposables Razor Save $2.00/1 (6/30)
    Venus Refill Save $2.00/1 (6/30)
    Whiskas dry food for cats bag Save $1.00/1 (7/9)
    Whiskas tray Buy One Get One FREE up to .69 (7/9)
    Wisk Laundry detergent 50 oz or larger Save $2.00/1 (6/26)

    Monday, May 9, 2011

    $2.00/1 Neutrogena Suncare = $.99 at CVS Next Week

    $2.00/1 – Neutrogena Suncare or Sunless Product – (redplum.com)

    If you didn’t print this coupon last week now would be a good time to get it! Next week starting 5/15 you will be able to get Neutrogena Sunscreen at CVS for just $0.99 after Extra Bucks!

    Buy 2 Neutrogena Sunscreen $7.99
    Use 2 $2.00/1 – Neutrogena Suncare or Sunless Product – (redplum.com)
    Pay $11.98, Receive $10.00 Extra Bucks
    Final Price $0.99 each when you buy 2

    Thanks Krazy Coupon Lady (you should check her blog out she's AWESOME!!)

    Couponing for Disaster Relief

    helping hands Reader Spotlight: Couponing for Disaster Relief 

    I know that we were all horrified by the devastation caused by the tornadoes last week and that we are all trying to do our little part to help the relief effort. So many of you have contacted me with your stories and information regarding donation drives and I thought the perfect way to do my part online would be to provide a space where we could talk about the way that couponing can really be such a blessing in times like these!
    Many of you who frequent the I Heart Publix forum may know of Katie (aka khumber1), who has been collecting coupons for specific items to donate to the relief effort. Many of us have huge stockpiles that we’d love to use to help but we just live too far away from those who were affected. So Katie came up with a great idea – she is collecting coupons and hopes to donate TONS of brand new much-needed items to victims in her area while spending as little as possible out of pocket! Here’s her story:
    Like many other Alabamians, I sat at home with my husband on Wednesday night, April 27th, and watched on live TV as a tornado almost a mile wide (later determined to be a strong EF4) made its path through the center of my hometown, Tuscaloosa, AL. Although I live about 45 minutes from there now, Tuscaloosa is where I was born, grew up, and even went to college at the University of Alabama, so I still consider it my hometown. I was checking in with my parents and friends constantly to make sure that everyone was safe. Unfortunately, this time, the answer was no. Many of our friends lost their homes and all their possessions, with some even losing their loved ones. It’s safe to say that I did not get much sleep that night, and I’m sure many of you in the area can relate.
    The next morning, just like so many other people, my only focus was on two things – one, how incredibly blessed I was to still have my family, and two, what could I do to help. I was overwhelmed by the abundance of material goods at my house, while some people had lost everything they had. I started cleaning out my stockpile and was moved to tears by the amount I was able to donate, realizing how little it had cost me out of pocket. I knew these items for which I had paid so little would mean so much to the people who received them.
    This started the mission I have started with my coupon buddies and on the I Heart Publix forum – I want to see how much I could do via donations of goods to the tornado victims by couponing. I have received responses from 15 people already, but by their generosity, you would think it was hundreds! Some even said that they did not have the coupons I needed in their binder, but they went the extra step and ordered them from a clipping service to be delivered to me!
    I have gotten many questions about which coupons are most needed, so I compiled a list of the most helpful coupons based on the items that are being requested by the charities handling the distribution of goods. I am specifically working with my home church, First Baptist Church of Tuscaloosa, who has partnered with Samaritan’s Purse for this project. I would love to say that any and all coupons are needed, but I am trying my best to meet the specific needs that Samaritan’s Purse has identified.
    Here is a list of the coupons that, to date, have helped the most toward the needed items:
    • $.50/1 Mahatma rice from 5/1 RP
    • $1/1 Reach toothbrush or floss from 4/17 SS or 1/9 SS
    • $1/1 Aquafresh kids toothbrush, 4/17 RP
    • B1G1 Right Guard from 5/1 RP
    • $1/1 Ivory soap from 5/1 P&G
    • $2.50/1 Pampers diapers from 5/1 P&G
    • $5/1 Similac formula from 4/3 SS
    • $3/1 Bic razors from 5/1 SS (especially if you have a rain check from this past week’s BOGO deal at Publix to send also!!)
    • $1/1 or $3/1 Purex detergent from 5/1 RP
    • $.01 Carefree pantiliners, Target coupon (regional) from several weeks back (I’m sorry – we did not get this, so I’m not sure of the date of the insert)
    • $1/1 any Always from Everyday Savings booklet or home mailer
    I do not want to limit the donations to just coupons for the items listed above, as inserts vary by area, etc. The items specifically requested are: non-perishable food items, toothbrushes, toothpaste, bar soap, toilet paper, feminine care, razors, diapers, formula, baby bottles, washcloths, combs, and shampoo. Also, once Tide Loads of Hope leaves (May 12th), there will be a huge need for laundry detergent, as many of the people have only a few sets of clothes that they have received via donation.
    If you would like to contribute coupons to help purchase much-needed items to the tornado victims, please send them to the address below. I know many of you may want to donate items from your current stockpile, but please DO NOT send physical items to this address.
    Women’s Ministry
    First Baptist Church
    721 Greensboro Avenue
    Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
    I cannot express the overwhelming nature of the disaster areas. But the most encouraging thing to me has been the attitudes and the faith of the people in the area. Those who still have their homes have been volunteering in droves to help with the clean-up, and those who have lost everything are just thankful to still be alive. Everyone is ready to begin putting their lives back together, and they are all so thankful for the generosity of those who are helping. So please accept this heartfelt thank-you in advance to all of you who contribute to the effort – your donations really do make such a difference in the lives of real people!
    Thanks so much for everything you’re doing, Katie! I am so proud to see you and so many other couponers doing their part to make the lives of those affected just a little bit better.
    If you are organizing any sort of local donation for the disaster victims, feel free to use the comments to post and find information related to your area, or just to talk about your experience with beginning to rebuild after the tornadoes. If you are too far from a physical donation site you might consider donating coupons to Katie to help her provide relief in her area!

    Target Deals 5/8 - 5/14


    Simply Lemonade or Limeade $1.99
    Great price for this stuff even without coupons!

    Magnum 3 Pack Ice Cream Bars $3.29 – $3.99

    Use the $1/1 Target store coupon found here
    Plus, stack with the $1/1 coupon found here or on the Hannaford site (Use zip 01364)
    Final cost as low as $1.29!
    Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream 14 oz $2.99
    Use the $0.50/1 Target store coupon found here
    Plus, use the $1/1 coupon found in the April issue of All You mag.
    Final cost $1.49!

    Ensure 6 pk Nutrition OR 4 pk Muscle Health Shakes $6.99

    Use the $2/1 coupon found in the 5/1 SS
    Final cost $4.99!
    **There is also a B2G1 FREE Ensure coupon found in the 4/3 SS and a B3G1 FREE Ensure coupon found in the 5/1 SS.

    Personal Care

    Aquafresh Infant Training Toothbrush 1 ct $1.99
    Use the $1/1 Aquafresh Target store coupon found here
    Plus, stack with the $1/1 coupon found in the 4/17 RP
    (Or use the $0.50/1 coupon found here)
    Final cost as low as FREE!

    Dora the Explorer Toothpaste $1.99

    Use the $1/1 Dora Toothpaste Target Mobile coupon
    Use the $0.75/1 or $1/1 coupon found in the 5/1 SS
    Final cost as low as FREE!
    Buy 2 Gillette Fusion ProGlide Manual Razors $9.89 each = $5 Target gift card
    Use 2 $4/1 coupons found in the 5/1 PG
    Pay $11.78
    Get back a $5 Target gift card
    Final cost $3.39 each!
    Right Guard Deodorant $3.34-$3.49
    Use 2 $1/1 Target store coupons found here
    (If your local Target allows 2 “like” coupons in the same transaction)
    Use the buy one get one free coupon found in the 5/1 RP
    Final cost only $1.34 total – just $0.67 each!

    TRESemme 39 oz Shampoo or Conditioner $4.99

    Use the $1/1 Target store coupon found here
    Plus, use the $1/1 coupon found in the 3/20 SS (Climate Control variety only)
    Final cost $2.99!
    Nivea Body Wash for Men or Women $3.04 – $3.99 (depending on your region)
    Use the $3/1 coupon found in the 4/17 RP
    Plus, use the $1/1 coupon found in the Target Beauty bag mailer
    Final cost as low as $0.04 or FREE (with the beauty bag mailer)!

    Banana Boat AND Off deal

    Buy 1 Banana Boat 6 or 8 oz Sport Sunscreen OR Banana Boat Kids Sunblock $6
    Buy 2 OFF! Clip-On Starter Kits $8.49 each
    Total = $22.98
    Use the $2/2 Banana Boat AND Off! Clip-On Starter regional Target coupon found in the 5/1 SS
    Use the $1/1 Banana Boat coupon found in the May issue of All You mag.
    Use the buy one get one free OFF! Starter kit coupon found here
    And use the $2/1 OFF! coupon found here (use zip 30303)
    Final cost only $9.49 for all 3 items!

    Biore 14 ct Pore Strips $7.99

    Use the buy one Biore Strips get a FREE Cleanser coupon found in the 3/6 SS
    Final cost – $7.99 for both items!
    Carefree 20 or 22 ct Acti-Fresh Pantiliners $0.97 to $0.99
    Use the Carefree 20 or 22 ct Acti-Fresh Pantiliner for 1¢ With Target regional coupon found in the 4/17 SS
    Or use the new $1/1 coupon found in the 5/8 SS
    Final cost as low as FREE!

    Sonia Kashuk Spoolie Eyebrow and Eyelash Brush $1.99

    Use the $2/1 Sonia Kashuk Cosmetic Item Target Mobile Coupon
    Final cost FREE!
    Zantac Max Strength 24 ct 150 mg OR 30 ct 75 mg $7.74
    Use the $2/1 Target store coupon found here
    Plus, stack with the $5/1 coupon found here (you can also request a FREE sample)
    Final cost only $0.74!


    Palmolive Ultra Soft Touch Dish Liquid 20 oz ?
    Use the $0.75/1 Palmolive Dish Soap 20 oz. or larger Target store regional coupon found in the 5/8 SS
    Plus, use the $0.75/1 Palmolive Ultra Soft Touch Dish Liquid coupon found in the 5/1 SS
    Final cost ?
    Murphy Oil Soap ?
    Use the $1/1 Murphy Oil Soap Product Target regional coupon found in the 5/8 SS
    Plus, use the $0.50/1 coupon found here (under the “Special Offers” tab – top right)
    Final cost ?

    Purex 170 oz Detergent or 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets $8.49

    Use the $3/1 coupons found in the 5/1 RP
    Final cost $5.49!

    Swiffer Sweeper Starter Kit $8.99

    Use the $2/1 coupon found in the 5/1 PG
    Final cost $6.99!
    **There is also a FREE Swiffer Sweeper Refill (up to $5 value) when you purchase a starter kit coupon found in the Organize in Style booklet – which will sweeten this deal even further.
    Purina Chef Michaels Canine Creations 3 oz Cans $0.87
    Use the $2/6 coupon found in the 5/8 SS
    Final cost only $0.54 per can!

    Buy a select Bissell Item = $20 Target gift card

    (SpotBot Pet Compact Deep Cleaner $139, Steam & Sweep $129, PROheat 2x Deap Cleaner $199)
    Deal Scenario:
    Buy a Bissell Steam & Sweep $129
    Use the 10% Off Bissell Target store coupon found here (will deduct $12.90)
    Pay $116.10
    Get back a $20 Target gift card
    Final cost $96.10!
    Scotch Scissors on a Price cut for $1.49
    (only one variety is priced this low… the other varieties are priced at $2+)
    Use the $1/1 coupon found here or the manufacturer’s coupon found on the Target site
    Final cost as low as $0.49!
    Thank you so much Hip 2 Save

    Saturday, May 7, 2011

    Walgreens Deals 5/8 - 5/14

    Weekly Register Reward Deals

    Poland Spring water 24 pk 2/$8 = $1 RR
    Final cost $3.50 each!
    7up, A & W, Sunkist, Canada Dry, or Hawaiian Punch 4/$12 = $2 RR
    Final cost $2.50 each! Not a bad price for the 12 packs!
    (To see the rest of the weekly deals, click the link below “Read More / Post Your Comments”.)

    M&M’s 12.7-14 oz 2/$5 = $1 RR
    Final cost $2 each!
    Colgate Total gum defense or advanced toothpaste 4 oz or toothbrush 2/$6 = $4 RR
    Deal Scenario #1:
    Buy 2 Colgate Total gum defense or advanced toothpaste 2/$6
    Use 2 $1/1 coupons found in the April issue of All You mag
    (or use the $0.75/1 coupons found in the 5/1 SS)
    Pay as low as $4
    Get back a $4 RR
    Final cost as low as FREE!
    Reach Advanced Design toothbrushes 2 pk, total care floss 30 yds 2/$6 = $2 RR
    Deal Scenario:
    Buy 2 Reach total care flosses or Reach advanced design toothbrushes 2/$6
    Use the $2.50/2 coupon found in the 4/17 SS
    Pay $3.50
    Get back a $2 RR
    Final cost $0.75 each!
    Coppertone sun care $9.99 = $3 RR
    Use the $1/1 coupon found here (lower right corner)
    Pay $8.99
    Get back a $3 RR
    Final cost $5.99!
    TRESemme shampoo, conditioner 5.7-32 oz, styling products 6.5-11 oz 4/$15 = $5 RR
    Use 4 $1/1 coupons found in the 3/20 SS (valid on the climate control variety only)
    Pay $11
    Get back a $5 RR
    Final cost $1.50 each!
    Pantene shampoo, conditioner 12.6 oz, styling products 5.1-11.5 oz 2/$7 = $1 RR
    Use the $3/2 coupon found in the 5/1 PG
    Pay $4
    Get back a $1 RR
    Final cost $1.50 each!
    Gillette Fusion Proglide razor system $9.89 = $5 RR
    Use the $4/1 coupon found in the 5/1 PG
    Pay $5.89
    Get back a $5 RR
    Final cost $0.89!
    Pampers Jumbo pack diapers 2/$18 = $3 RR
    Use 2 $2.50/1 coupon found in the 5/1 PG
    Plus, use the $2/1 coupon found in the Walgreen Infant Care Coupon Booklet (will deduct $4)
    Pay $9
    Get back $3 RR
    Final cost $3 per package!
    Wal-Fex 24 hour allergy relief 30 ct $11.99 = $3 RR
    Final cost $8.99!
    Allegra 24 hour allergy relief 45 ct $23.99 = $5 RR
    Use the $5/1 coupon found in the 5/8 SS or $4/1 coupon found here
    Pay $18.99
    Get back a $5 RR
    Final cost $13.99!
    Omeprazole acid reducer 42 ct $18.99 = $5 RR
    Final cost $13.99!
    Cottonelle Bathroom Tissue 12 large rolls on sale for $5 – Buy 2 = $3 RR, Buy 3 = $4 RR
    (Unadvertised Register Reward deal, valid through 5/15)
    Deal Scenario:
    Buy 2 Cottonelle 12 packs on sale for $5 each
    Total = $10
    Use 2 $0.50/1 Cottonelle Toilet Paper 4pk+ coupons found here or here
    Plus, use the $1/1 Cottonelle Walgreens coupon found in the May Coupon Book (will take off $2)
    Pay $7
    Get back a $3 RR
    Final cost only $4 total – $2 per 12 pack, which makes each roll just $0.17! Great price!
    (Thanks, Wild for Wags!)
    All 2x laundry detergent 96 loads $9.99 = $1 RR
    Use the $1/1 coupon found in the 4/10 RP
    Pay $8.99
    Get back a $1 RR
    Final cost $7.99!
    Select Glade Products 2/$5 = $1 RR
    Deal Scenario:
    Buy 2 Relaxing Moments sprays 9.7 oz or candles 4 oz 2/$5
    (*Note: these items need to be from the Spring Collection line)
    Use the $2/2 Glade Spring Collection item coupon found here
    Pay $3
    Get back a $1 RR
    Final cost $1 each!

    Mail-in Rebates

    Walgreens TRUEresult blood glucose monitor $12.99
    Submit the $12.99 Mail-in Rebate found on package
    Final cost FREE!
    SunBurnt gel 2.5 oz $3.99
    Use the $0.50/1 coupon found here
    Pay $3.49
    Submit the $3.99 Mail-in Rebate printed out at checkout
    Final cost FREE + a $0.50 moneymaker!
    (Thanks, Wild for Wags!)

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