Saturday, April 9, 2011

How many Papers should you buy tomorrow?

How many Papers should you buy tomorrow?
 Some of you have requested I blog about how many papers I will buy on Sunday. Please give me your feedback on whether this helps you or not by levying a comment under this blog.

There are some great coupons tomorrow. I myself will probably buy 2 or 3. I am still a bit undecided.  I figure I will sleep on it. I know I will for sure buy 2. At this point I really gage how many I buy on the needs of my stockpile. The last 2 weeks I have bought 5-10 so this may be the week I take a bit of a break. As soon as I see it in the morning i will have a better idea.

As for you, if you're just starting out I would really just buy 1 or 2. Start slow so you don't get overwhelmed. Work on just purchasing, cutting, and stuffing. That in itself is a habit you need to form. Once you have that habit down it will make the rest of the process go even faster when you do start to buy multiple papers.

I'm not sure if this post will really help anyone! I apologize! As soon as I have a better idea I will update this and let you know!

Happy Savings!



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