Friday, June 3, 2011

Purpose Produces Passion

There is nothing quite as potent as a focused life, one lived with purpose

I just wanted to write all my readers a quick note to applaud and encourage you. This is me jumping up and down yelling," Woo-Hoo you guys rock!!" (those of you who know me know I do these things... hehe)

So many of you are making a conciseness choice to get a hold of your finances, take control of your monthly spending, live frugally, and save money. I know this isn't always as easy as it sounds, and most times when we start something like this, "life" happens in the process. Cars break down, roofs begin to leak, a/c units go out.Why is that ?!?! I also know that building new habits can be difficult as well. It sure is for me!

Budgeting, meal-planning, and couponing is sometimes like a second job. Like anything in life, the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it.  Be encouraged your efforts are not in vain! You and your family will reap the rewards of all your hard work and discipline! 

I want you to know there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of everyone who follows this blog and pray for each of you. I don't know what each of your individual goals and needs are but God does. I truly do pray each day that God will help you reach those goals, bless your effort and hard work, and provide for any needs you and your family may have.

I am so proud of you guys! You all are such an encouragement to me! I love to read the emails you send me about how couponing has changed your life. So many of you have said to me in person or via email, "I finally feel like I have purpose and direction in my life and in my home!" That's what couponing did for my life and family as well.

I love being on this journey with you guys! More than anything I just wanted to let you all know how much you mean to me whether we have ever met or not. You guys rock!!

Remember as you go through your day today: Purpose Produces Passion! Let's get our passion on!

Keep living your purpose out!


You, Lord, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you.

Isaiah 26:3


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