Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday's Tip: Getting Ready for Back to School

Getting ready for a new school year can be a challenge even for the most organized child wranglers.

"Back-to-school time is stressful for both parents and children, and if you don't meet it head-on, it's one of those things that snowballs," says Kat Jacoby of Divine Organization. That's why the San Antonio professional organizer suggests that parents take a moment to get themselves organized before dealing with sleepyheads and facing stacks of paperwork the schools send home with each student.
Here are 13 tips to get ready for another school year:
Prepare your child for school hours with early bedtimes and wake-ups a week before class starts.
When you get updated immunization records or physical exam releases from a doctor's office, keep a copy for yourself.

Before the avalanche of paper starts, collect last year's artwork and put it in a box to store in the top of a closet. Label the box by year (first grade or 2009-10).
Clean out your kids' closets before you shop for back-to-school gear. Check for clothes that still are usable and make a list of needed items.
Keep your child's room, closet and bathroom as simple as possible. Children can thrive in a place with fewer distractions.

Make sure the homework area is ready. A kitchen table or area near adult interaction is best.
Though you might use a smartphone with a calendar, post a family calendar in the kitchen or another area that the entire family can see.
Establish limits for television, snacking, computer/game/cellphone time.
Set routines for morning: up, bathroom, dress, breakfast; and after school: snack, change clothes, homework. Before school starts, review with your family what worked best each morning and evening during the past school year.

Start homework after a short transition from school so that the work doesn't drag on all evening.
For each child, keep a folder to hold classroom schedules, teacher contacts and other information you may need later in the year.
Before bedtime, prepare clothes and repack backpacks for the next day to reduce morning stress.
In addition to having a reserved spot for the students' backpacks, the chauffeur's purse/wallet and keys should be in an established place ready to go.

Thank You for all the great tips Beaumont Enterprise !


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