Friday, July 8, 2011

Simple Organized Savings

Hello Wonderful Readers and Savvy Savings Followers!

I am REALLY excited about everything God is doing in this ministry and can't wait to share more details with you soon! Remember to be watching for not only our new look, but we will have a name change as well! Can you believe that! Because this ministry is evolving into to so much more than "coupons" we felt our name should reflect more than just "coupons" it should reflect the "heart beat" of this ministry. I am really excited about what God is going to do with Simple Organized Savings or as we like to call it SOS!!

Please continue to keep this ministry in your thoughts and prayers as we continue to structure it.

You all are such a blessing to me and it's truly because of you and for you that I'm doing what I'm doing!

May God richly bless each and everyone of you as you continue your pursuit of becoming Efficient Home Executives!




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